1. Play !> and 3-tier, n-tier architecture - Part I

    Play!► is based on the MVC application model. This model, as named, is an application model, but in an enterprise ecosystem, you’ll have to integrate your application with the Information System, and apply 3-tier physical architecture, or n-tier architecture Figure 1. 3tier The 3-tier architecture The 3-tier architecture…

    AJAX, JQuery, json, Multitier architecture, play framework

  2. Play! edit your dates with JQuery (editinplace + datepicker) 1/2

    On my first tweet, I posted a link on a sniplet (http://anibalpacheco.com/blog/post/p-47-jquery-ui-datepicker-jquery-editinplace/) explaining how to mix editinplace and datepicker in JQuery. Here, I’ll explain how to finish the job of ths sniplet (update the date picker on date field update) and integrate it…

    AJAX, datepicker, editinplace, JQuery, play framework