1. Heroku : Memo for postgresql

    A little memo to configuration for local testing play2 application develop for Heroku with a PostgreSQL database. As the documentation on heroku site didn’t work, here is the DATABASE_URL value I use on my env. export DATABASE_URL=jdbc:postgresql://localhost/$(whoami) And to manually start a…

    on play framework, heroku, postgresql

  2. Living documentation : a maven plugin

    After DevoxxFr 2016 and the talk from Cyrille Martraire (https://twitter.com/cyriux) I decided to implement the principles on my projects and began to code documentation generators based on the source publish by Cyrille on github. So did Benoît Prioux (https://twitter.com/binout) the same talk from Cyrille…

    on java, maven, plugin, documentation

  3. Pokemon Go and developer mode on android (make it run on Wiko Highway 4G) : fictive positions

    Pokemon Go is available in France and I started plying with, very well on LG G3. But my wife can’t play on her Wiko Highway 4G, the game "was not" able to locate the phone by GPS. I didn’t found why until I asked myself and…

    on pokemon go, android, wiko, higway

  4. Migrate blog from wordpress to github pages with hubpress

    This is done : I’ve migrated my blog from wordpress.com to gh-pages. It’s under hubpress. I’ve it with the help of this conversion tool, but modified it a little to add : management of tags (line :hp-tags are generated, not the case in the original…

    on blog, wordpress, gh-pages, github, hubpress

  5. Migrating to HubPress

    Hi, I’m migrating my blog to gh-pages with http://hubpress.io. My next ticket will be about the migration from wordpress (hope I’ll success).…

    on blogging

  6. Play!> Routes : url segment as a single parameter

    This post is mainly a note for myself. I was searching how to get a segment of an url (including some / characters) into a single parameter. The response is on stack overflow : use a regex. The goal for me is to reroute a subset of RESTFUL call to the server…

    on play framework, REST, routes

  7. Receive file on MacOs via bluetooth

    A usefull link to a tip (in French) on MacOs : http://www.journaldulapin.com/2012/11/15/recevoir-des-fichiers-en-bluetooth-sur-un-mac/ By default, you can’t receive files via BT on MacOs. You have to activate it in System Preferences/share.…

    on Bluetooth, MacOs

  8. Play!> framework design pattern #3 : Avoid Anemic Domain Model

    In my last post about data integrity, I noticed that with the MVC model of Play, you tend to put many logic in the controller, even a part of the domain model, thus creating an Anemic Domain Model as described by Martin Fowler. And it’s what I made…

    on AnemicDomainModel, design patterns, java, play framework

  9. Play !> framework - tips for templates to ensure integrity

    codeboard has a configuration with use of default values. If these default values are not present, errors can occur on some pages. The example of the tips are on the model class Domain. To ensure that this default values are always present in the configuration, I use 3 tips to…

    on data integrity, play framework, templates

  10. SD card, RAW and Ubuntu

    I wanted to upload some photos on my Dell XPS 17, but encountered some issues to view them The SD card is not detected when inserting it in the reader. The trick is simple : sudo su -l echo 1 > /sys/bus/pci/rescan RAW are not readable I had…

    on linux, nautilus, raw, SD card, ubuntu