Tag: ant

  1. Sonar & Ant

    Sonar is made for maven. Nothing to do and it works. There’s now a ant task to use sonar on your project build by ant. You’ll have the same results, except that by default, you will not have the results of your tests (passed/failed) and…

    ant, cobertura, continuous integration, jenkins

  2. get hostname in ant easily

    After searching a while, here is the best way I found to get the hostname in a propert. Just use exec task : <exec dir="${basedir}" executable="hostname" outputproperty="host.name"> The trick is the attribute outputpropety of the exec task. You can then use ${host.name} variable to…

    ant, hostname

  3. More about reusable ant scripts

    As I promised in July,  a little note to write better ant scripts. Following comments on my previous post (http://javathought.github.io/2009/06/09/reusable-ant-build-file/), I finally arrived on this excellent presentation from Douglas Bullard at JavaOne 2009. Read it, it will really improve you scripts. The basis…


  4. First step after installing Eclipse

    Do you know what you should do, immediatly after installing Eclipse ? Setting your file ecnoding charset : by default, Eclipse uses cp1252, wihch is not quite ideal if you have to deal with internationalisation and character manipulation in your datas with differents charset. Just go to the window- preferences menu and…

    ant, Eclipse

  5. Reusable Ant build file

    Hello, I’m back from some vacations. The topic I want to discuss this time is the use of ant build files. I don’t like the build files generated by netbeans. Why ? Working in a professional environment, you have to master all your building chain : know what…

    ant, continuous integration, junit, Netbeans

  6. XML binding with JAXB 3/3 : plugins

    Once you’ll have been working with JAXB basis, you’ll want to enhance what your doing. For example, in my case, I want to bind my datas with a GUI. For that, I’ll need to use beans binding (JSR 295) with netbeans. You can begin…

    ant, beans binding, jaxb, matisse, maven, Netbeans, xml binding