Play !> and 3-tier, n-tier architecture - Part II
In Part I, I introduced the use of Play! framework on 3-tier architecture. In this one, we will see how to use the native features of Play! to implement a 3-tier application. As we saw, the implementation of the Logic tier is easy with Play!. In this implementation, you can…
Play !> and 3-tier, n-tier architecture - Part I
Play!► is based on the MVC application model. This model, as named, is an application model, but in an enterprise ecosystem, you’ll have to integrate your application with the Information System, and apply 3-tier physical architecture, or n-tier architecture Figure 1. 3tier The 3-tier architecture The 3-tier architecture…
Play!> & JSon : How-to select fields to expose (ExclusionStrategy)
Using JSON as data language to build an API for your Play application, the default behaviour is to render all fields of a class, and this recursively. This means render the fields of a Here a sample model example that could occurs in a bank application : A client is specified…