1. Play! how to make master-detail views

    Continuing the taks tutorial project, we will add details to tasks. The detail will be a list of events on a task to make an history of what happened. First we will add the Event class. If you use Eclipse and the Play! plugin, you can use the new play!…

  2. Play! edit your dates with JQuery (editinplace + datepicker) 2/2

    So, continue this tutorial. First we’ll add JQuery edit in place to our task action. Download it from the google code site and extract it from the lib folder of the zip file. Copy it ito the javascripts folder (under public). Add an editable field We can now…

  3. Playing with sass and fancy-buttons

    Before giving the second part of [my last post, a quick how-to to add great looking buttons in your applications with sass (an extension of CSS3) and fancy-buttons (an easy way to design CSS buttons in seconds) . there a sass module in play. Just type the following line to get…

    on play framework, sass

  4. Play! edit your dates with JQuery (editinplace + datepicker) 1/2

    On my first tweet, I posted a link on a sniplet (http://anibalpacheco.com/blog/post/p-47-jquery-ui-datepicker-jquery-editinplace/) explaining how to mix editinplace and datepicker in JQuery. Here, I’ll explain how to finish the job of ths sniplet (update the date picker on date field update) and integrate it…

    on AJAX, datepicker, editinplace, JQuery, play framework

  5. My twitter account opened

    I’ve opened a twitter account, you’ll find my tweets at the bottom where I’ll send small messages like links related to subject I talk about here.…

    on java, twitter

  6. Let's play!

    Working on a personal project, I was looking for a java framework to develop a web interface. I didn’t want to use a "full stack" java framework and searched for a RAD  approach and found some information on wicket and trapestry and finally found Play!. I first take…

    on java, JavaScript, JQuery, play framework

  7. More about reusable ant scripts

    As I promised in July,  a little note to write better ant scripts. Following comments on my previous post (http://javathought.github.io/2009/06/09/reusable-ant-build-file/), I finally arrived on this excellent presentation from Douglas Bullard at JavaOne 2009. Read it, it will really improve you scripts. The basis…

    on ant

  8. brb

    I’ve been away for quite a long moment due to my new job. I began with the new year and had no time to post, due to the new route. I’ll post again soon, the next subject will be about ant…

    on brb job

  9. Hudson and accessibility : don't use green ball plugin

    Generally, and not only in Hudson, you should install a plugin to a tool you use only if it really brings a feature. About Green ball plugin, not only, there’s no feature enhancement, but it’s an accessibility regression : color blind person don’t easily differentiate…

    on accessibility, continuous integration, GUI, hudson, plugin

  10. First step after installing Eclipse

    Do you know what you should do, immediatly after installing Eclipse ? Setting your file ecnoding charset : by default, Eclipse uses cp1252, wihch is not quite ideal if you have to deal with internationalisation and character manipulation in your datas with differents charset. Just go to the window- preferences menu and…

    on ant, Eclipse